Eliza is growing and developing new skills so fast. Last Thursday was the first time she clapped her hands together all by herself. Several days before we had a good time practicing with my hands. Liza would take hold of my thumbs, or a couple of fingers and clap my hands together. When Jack came home from work Thursday she was so excited she clapped her hands. I think Jack was really excited that he got to be around the first time she did something.
Another first that Jack discovered was her first tooth. Sunday after church Jack told me he found that Liza broke the tooth on the bottom right. I was rather surprised because Liza didn't have any of the classic signs of teething. No fever or runny nose and she always has a toy or a random finger in her mouth so that doesn't count. Even now she's not fussy or needing extra attention. I suppose she is still enjoying the thrill of mobility.
Yesterday I put Liza on her tummy, not her favorite thing in the world, and she got mad enough to push herself up and then start to push herself backwards. Strangely enough Liza seems to make the most progress and does new things when she's ticked off. Jack says she's like me in that respect.
One of Eliza's mannerisms is that she uses her feet about as much as her hands. If she can't reach something with her hands, she will try with her feet. She will often be checking out something with one hand and grabbing her foot with the other and extending her leg. You can also tell when she's excited because she does her happy kicks. My favorite when she's sitting up with her legs straight in front of her and she kicks by lifting both legs up and down, that's a trick I can't do. Oh I've also found her doing the splits. As soon as she is old enough I'm going to try and put her into dancing lessons.
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